Kauai, May 2019

It has been a very productive trip so far. The weather keeps changing between cloudy, rainy, sunny and windy, but the one constant are the giant waves. They make good  photography, but the beaches have been closed for a few days now.

Giant Waves Hitting the Rocky Shore at Poipu

7 thoughts on “Kauai, May 2019

  1. admin Post author

    One thing I noticed is that it is not the biggest wave that makes the biggest splash

  2. Hailen

    What an amazing view from those condo units. No wonder you are always having a terrific time there.

  3. David Fogel

    So you added a new dimension to your photography, camera up in the sky. I wonder how the spouting horn looks from up above.
    We love your pictures, your 2 fans, David and Maxima