Ruby Crest Trail

Driving along H/W 80 one might get the impression that the state of Nevada is one big desert cover with nothing but sand and rocks. A more careful study of the topography quickly corrects this impression. Nevada is actually a very diverse land with more mountain ranges than any state. The Ruby Mountains with several peaks over 11,000 feet of elevation is one of the more interesting ranges. To boot, they have build a trail that goes over some of the best areas, the Ruby Crest Trail.

Starting at the south end from Harrison Pass it is a dirt road for about 3 miles that is accessible to high clearance 4wd vehicles.

The first 3 miles of the Ruby Crest Trail is this dirt road.

The first miles of the Ruby Crest Trail is this dirt road.

The trail then enters the Smith Creek drainage going up ridges and down through streams lined with aspen trees.

Smith Creek Drainage

Smith Creek Drainage along the Ruby Crest Trail

Finally up over a 10,000 ft pass for an alpine view of Overland Lake.

Overland Lake

Overland Lake along the Ruby Crest Trail

Continuing along the Overland Creek drainage and finally up another pass to reveal the view.


View of the crest above Overland Drainage along the Ruby Mountains Crest

A few mile farther north the trail enters an alpine terrain with many lakes and high rugged peaks, finally arriving at Liberty Lake.

Liberty Lake

Liberty Lake

Linda and Liberty Lake

Linda and Liberty Lake

From Liberty Lake it is one more push up Liberty Pass to reveal the view of Lamoille Canyon an the northern terminus.

Looking down towards the northern terminus at Lamoille Canyon

Looking down towards the northern terminus at Lamoille Canyon

5 thoughts on “Ruby Crest Trail

  1. David Fogel

    It’s refreshing to see snow in summertime instead of masks and BLM. Great pictures. I like Evolution Valley in the High Sierra better.

  2. Maia Pindar

    I really enjoyed these photographs and the narrative. Nice to see overcast too, espected to be 90 here tomorrow.

  3. admin Post author

    We ran into real rough weather with gusty wind that almost knocked us off our feet and hail storm overnight and on the final day. But the scenery made up for it.

    Thanks for the note.

  4. admin Post author

    The Ruby Mountains are remarkably similar to the Sierra Nevada. Linda called them the Sierras of Nevada.

    Thanks for the comment.