Wind River Range, Wyoming 2018

Elkhart Park is a great access point to the Wind River Range. Unfortunately, when I was there it was extremely hazy from wildfires. Still, hiking is good and even Photographer’s Point which I think would have been fantastic at sunset was a fun hike. The image below looks better than what it really was, primarily thanks to Lightroom dehaze filter.

Photographer's Point in the haze

Photographer’s Point

The road to Green River Lake involves 20 miles of gravel. While it is negotiable with regular passenger cars, it took a couple of hours with my trailer. And coming out was even worse after the heavy rain that came down while I was there. There are good hiking trails to the Upper and Lower Green River Lakes and to various destinations in the area. The Continental Divide Trail goes right by the lake.

The second storm to pass the area was powerful enough to clear the haze. It brought a red glowing sky and a clear view of the mountains.

Clear Creek

Crossing the bridge over Clear Creek

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