Kluane National Park

We spent 3 days at Haines Junction on the edge of Kluane (pronounced Clue-ON-ee) National Park in Yukon. I say it is on the edge because Kluane’s main feature is a huge ice field, the biggest in the world (except for the polar ice fields), which makes the interior not accessible except by air or multi-day glacier travel.

Cesca and I took a plane ride to view the glaciers from above. On the way back the flight path took us right over our campsite on the shore of Pine Lake near Hance Junction.

Wildlife viewing is very easy in the area, just drive. The animal take turns posing for photo ops on the wide clearings either side of the highway. A vehicles stopped at an unusual place is a sure sign of wildlife near by.

5 thoughts on “Kluane National Park

  1. Barry

    What a privilege to be in such unspoiled region, and to get close to the very formidable local inhabitants! Thanks for the spectacular photos.

    If only there were reliable 240V/40A outlets every 150 miles on the way to Alaska, I would be packing for that trip right now. Our camper solar/battery install should be done on June 10 and then we are heading to Lassen.

    How is the trailer working on out so far?

  2. admin Post author

    Hi Barry,

    Can you use 110V? I don’t know if you will find one every 150 miles, but many areas have full service RV campground with 50A/110V outlets, or at least 30A.

    Lassen is beautiful this time of year. Last year David and I did a backpack trip from Summit Lake to Horseshoe lake to Butte Lake and back through Twin Lake. It was fun climbing to the top of Cinder Cone to check the view. It was later in the year. June might still have too much snow.

    We are packing up to leave Hanse Junction today heading back to Tok, Alaska, about 300 miles. We will probably stop along Kluane Lake on the way as this will be a short driving day.


  3. admin Post author

    The trailer is working great. Long days and short nights, so the solar has no problem keeping the batteries full. Our water last 4 days easy. The furnace is keeping us warm and comfortable even when it is 40 degrees outside (for the high). We needed the cell booster a few times and once even had to use the yagi antenna, but except for Muncho Lake we had cell connection all the time.

  4. Rosemary

    How amazing to see a grizzly so close and be in the safety of your vehicle.

    Wonderful photos.

  5. Barry

    110V/30A is 3.3kW, and 110V/50A is 5.5kW. At those power levels, it would take 30 to 16 hours to recharge our Tesla from a very low state of charge. So yes, if that kind of campground electrical service was available every 150 miles and I could reliably reserve a campsite in advance than I could travel your route to date while towing my camper. I’ll have to do some research, because if it looks feasible it is certainly a trip I would like to do in the future. I don’t need to make it all the way to Alaska, it would be a great trip if I could just get as far as Kluane NP!